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Bends Economiser

Boiler Bends

 A common application of economizers coil in steam power plants is to capture the waste heat from boiler stack gases (flue gas) and transfer it to the boiler feed water.

Boiler Economizer Coil (Sometimes Called Economizer) is the Energy improving device that helps to reduce the cost of operation. Economizer coil is boiler feed-water heaters in which the heat from waste flue gases is recovered to raise the temperature of feed water supplied to the boiler, thereby increasing the Fuel Economy, Steaming Capacity, Life of the Boiler and Reducing Pollution. If the exhaust gases which are leaving the Boiler at such high temperature is made to pass through the Economiser Coil in order to provide the required sensible heat to the water by increasing its temperature, it will reduce the heat load on the boiler to the greater extent. 


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 Mezz 2nd Floor , Office no 4A,  Chambers ,Purshotamdas Thakurdas road, Near Siddharth College Fort, Mumbai 400001 India. 



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